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Your gateway to global talents & young leaders


AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. We are a global network of young leaders under the age of 30 who are passionate about world issues, leadership development, cultural understanding and experiential learning.

With a focus on building personal networks and exploring the direction and ambition of their future, AIESEC has an innovative approach to engaging and developing young people into the leaders needed today and tomorrow.

Since we were founded, we have engaged and developed over 1,000,000 young people who have been through an AIESEC experience. The impact of our organization can be seen through our alumni who represent business, NGO and world leaders.

Benefits of partnering with AIESEC

Corporate Social Responsibility

Position your image as a Socially Responsible Business by investing in Youth Leadership Development for a better future of the Slovenia (Events, projects, Global Citizen & Global Talent Program)

Employer Branding

Position your image as Employer of Choice amongst most talented youth in Slovenia by engaging in and supporting our programs, projects and events. Bring awareness of your company through physical and virtual channels.

Talent acquisition Nationally

Access AIESEC in Slovenia’s members, alumnus, and students network to Recruit Top Talents by engaging in and supporting our programs, projects and events in Slovenia

Talent acquisition Globally

Access the global students network of AIESEC to Recruit Top-Talents Amongst 126 countries by participating in our Global Talent Program

Access to Youth opinion

Increase Youth’s Market Understanding by collecting Youth’s Market Insights about your organization, product/service. Gain access to youth through meaningful dialogue at events and through AIESEC Youth speak survey.

Contact us

Alexandru CUCER

President of AIESEC in Slovenia 15-16

Email: president@aiesec.si

Phone: +386 518 111 98

Website: www.aiesec.si

For more information check our videos: