en English

A Fresh, Vibrant and Different Program – designed in 2014 to celebrate AmCham Slovenia’s 15 great years with best practices of its member companies. At your initiative, the popular program will be continued this year.

We are looking for and presenting the best business practices in the international business community, in AmCham Slovenia member companies, thereby bringing new knowledge and positive business experiences into Slovenia. We believe that such a transfer of best practices represents an important enrichment to the wider Slovenian economic environment.

With this year’s Best of the Best program, we again wish to highlight and encourage the good work, creativity and successes of our members’ business practices and projects,which enable and contribute to excellent changes and which may set an example and can be an inspiration to others. We are highlighting everything “Good “ we have to show, again focused on You and Your success stories, which we want to make more recognizable and visible to the wider audience.

At three Best of the Best events, we will present a total of 9 best practices from three different categories, which we will select upon a special competition. Among the 9 best practices, a special committee together with event participants will choose a winner from each category, which will then compete for the main Best of the Best 2015 Award, a weekend package in New York City and a free membership to AmCham Slovenia in 2016.

We encourage you to participate in our program with your contribution.

Find more information and the Application form for the Best of the Best program here:

Program Best of the Best

Application form – Best of the Best

For any questions and additional information, please contact Katarina Makovec, katarina.makovec@amcham.si, 040 766 999

Take a look at the participants stories of the program Best of the Best 2014:

Video clips of the three finalist of Best of the Best 2014:

Pozor(!)ni za okolje
– Goodyear Dunlop Sava Tires

Mladi upi
– Zavarovalnica Triglav

Simbioza med generacijami
– Zavod Ypsilon